Thursday, November 10, 2011

Conte crayons to Create Great Photo-like Picture

          Do you like a realist picture? Have you ever see a sketch of black and white photo? If we see the black and white photo, sometimes we see that the photo is like a drawing from a pencil.  There are the effects of shadings which make the photo looks like a drawing. Do you know that we can make the photo-like picture? We can produce the picture which seems like the black and white photo. There are many ways to make it. We can make it use by using the pencil, crayons. By using pencil, we will get the great result of the picture. We will get the effect of shading, since there are many levels of pencil. Different code might bring different effect. However, there is another media. It called conte crayons.

          Conte crayons are crayons which were invented by Nicolas-Jacques Conte. He invented the hard texture of crayons. This crayons usually used by many artists to produce great shading effects of a picture. As we know that to make a great photo-like picture, we have to make a great shading effect. With the shading effect produced by the artists who use conte crayons, you will see the great picture of photo-like picture. You can see the detail of the picture which reflects the model in the picture. There are many kinds of picture produced by famous artists using conte. Conte is usually used in the paper media. The crayon will bring the maximum effect in the paper. When you use the paper, you will be able to produce the great photo-like picture. The color that you use to make the photo-like picture usually is only black and grey. With those two colors you can produce the great result of photo-like picture. However, to make the great picture you have to pay attention more in the shading. Make sure that you make the correct shading. When you want to make the great shading, you can use the eraser to help you. Conte can be erased easily by the eraser, so you do not need to worry if you make the bold line and you make a mistake.

           With conte crayons you can also make the colored picture. You can make the color photo-like picture. You can play with the color shading of the conte. If you can make the shading, you will be able to get the great photo-like picture. We know that the painting could not be as good as camera picture, but we can maximize our picture by using the conte.

          You can get the conte crayons in the internet. Order it from the internet, and save your time. For you who still learning to use this crayons, you can get the video tutorial in the internet. There are many videos which can teach you about how to use the conte crayons. Does not need to worry about the way to produce the picture, internet will tell you bout this. You can learn many things from the videos.